The Ministry of Defence must lift the “Griffith secret” of soldiers’ intoxication fact and create transparent tenders

4 April, 2014

Organization the “Young Barristers” address The Ministry of Defence of Georgia and demand to publish facts of soldiers’ intoxication and state whether these facts still remain as “Griffith secret” or any further details of investigation are available.

According to the statmenet of chief executive of the “Young Barristers” – Archil Kaikatsishvili, the organization never heared back from the department on the mentioned information, which leaves doubts that facts of soldiers’ intoxication still remain as “Griffith secret”. What is more, problems remain in healthy food provision of the military servants and systematic failures are continueing.

The “Young Barristers” demand to accelerate the investigation in order to inform the society on intoxication of up to 200 soldiers in 2014. According to reports, a bad quality food resulted in intoxication of the soldiers in 4th Brigade, 23rd Bridage of the Algeti polygon and in Uplistsikhe, in the military centre of logistics. The accident in Uplistsikhe took place on March 24th 2014 and up to 20 soldiers were intoxicated. The organization evaluates, that the investigation of the following issue is being delayed and remains not effective.

The “Young Barristers” address the Ministry in order to strengthen control  of the provision of healthy food, in order set responsibilities of the contractor companies responsible for provision of food, since it still remains as an open issue how long are the facts of soldiers’ intoxicatin are going to last and no officials responsible have been entitled to any charges yet.

The “Young Barristers” address Irakli Alasania in order to create transparent tenders in the field of Defence and demand  definitions of existence of selection principle, when winners of the tenders are closely related to the Minister, and the independent players stay off side of the tender. The organization, from this point of view, pays attention to a famous fact, according to which a reconstruction and repairs of non-residential buildings of the Ministry of Defence is conducted by LLC “Architectural Bureau” the co-founder of which – Tamar Valiashvili remains closely related to Irakli Alasania. In addition to this, questions have arisen on another tender of the Ministry of Defence, how reasonably was the company “Deltacom” not granted a winner status, a founder of which is “Caucasus Development Fund” – partner of IBED.

The “Young Barristers” addressed the Ministry of Defence a few times in order to make timely decisions on staff, organizational and systematic regulations, but the Ministry denied cooperation with the organization in the frames of Institutional dialogue. The organization, which published problems of logistics of the armed forces in 2013, was not accepted to a group of organizations created under the Ministry of defence. 
