Georgia’s efforts related to the extradition of wanted persons, should be evaluated positively

18 May, 2015

The “Young Barristers” publishes information regarding the extradition of wanted persons to Georgia from the other countries and extradition of such persons by Georgia to the other countries.  The organization evaluates Georgia’s efforts positively and highly appreciates the works, implemented by   law enforcement agencies and the Ministry of Justice of Georgia in this direction.  

According to the statement of the lawyer of the “Young Barristers”, Salome Goglidze,  data  for  2010 – February 2015, has been analyzed on the basis of the public information, submitted  to the organization. The organization aimed to determine the following issues: with which countries does the State of Georgia have relevant negotiations regarding the extradition of convicted persons, how many convicted persons have been extradited to Georgia, currently, which countries request extradition of their convicted citizens from Georgia and which of these countries have relevant   negotiations with Georgia in this record.                                                                     

  •  111 wanted persons have been extradited to Georgia  , During  2010 – February 2015 ;                    
  • By February, 2015, relevant law enforcement authorities of the foreign countries have considered issues related  to the extradition of  52 wanted persons  to Georgia;
  • By February, 2015, Georgia has considered issues related to extradition  of  54 persons  to the other countries. Mentioned procedures have been initiated during January 1, 2010 - February 6, 2015. 
  • By February 2015, the relevant authorities of the following 16 States have considered applications of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia, the Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia and other authorized law enforcement Agencies of Georgia: the  Russian Federation , the Republic of  Azerbaijan, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of  Armenia, Ukraine, the French Republic, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republic of Portugal, Italy, Federal Republic of Germany,  the Republic of Turkey, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Belarus;
  • By February 2015, the Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia has considered issues of extradition of the wanted persons to the following 15 countries: Ukraine, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republic of Turkey, the Russian Federation, Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Swiss Confederation, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Romania, Kingdom of Sweden, USA, the Kingdom of Belgium.   

On the basis of the information, studied by the “Young Barristers”, during January 1, 2010 - February, 2015, extradition procedures in record of the extradition of wanted persons to Georgia, have  been fully completed on behalf of 19 foreign countries and Georgia, in  turn, has implemented extraditions of the convicts to 20 other  countries. According to the appraisal, provided by the organization, the State of Georgia is  implementing obligations under international agreements on combating crime, in accordance with internationally established  standards, increasing confidence in the law enforcement agencies and state institutions. 

