On February 9 „Young Barristers“ will name a candidate for the position of the Chairman of Supreme Court of Georgia.Regarding the issue, on February 9, Chief-executive of the Organization, helds special briefing in order to offer the President of Georgia their candidate. „Young Barristers“ offers society high ranking professional in the field of law, person, familiar to judicial society of Georgia, as the candidate for the Chairman of Supreme Court,candidate meeting the qualifying criterias- consistency,menegerial skills,non-party person.The organization has presented the candidate after his concent.
On January 26,2015 “Young Barristers” made special statement, where they note, that choosing new chairman of Supreme Court of Georgia is the new stage in judicial system of Georgia.Thus,candidate presented by the President of Georgia and proved by the parliament of Georgia ,together with political support should as well enjoy high public trust.New Chairman is in charge of ensuring real independence and impelemtation of effective reform in court, performing fair trial from politicaly influenced court, acting as the main figure in the process of restoring justice.Personality of the new Chairman should insure impartiality ,otherwise,judicial system go 10 years backward.